What is PEFC?
PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) is a global umbrella organisation; it is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organisation, founded in 1999.
PEFC promote sustainable forest management, through an independent third party certification scheme. The PEFC body provide an assurance mechanism to buyers of timber and paper products that the material they use/buy originates from a sustainable forest.
The PEFC body currently operates in 149 different countries. Nearly 200 million hectares of certified forests producing millions of tonnes of certified timber is covered by the PEFC certification scheme.
The environmental demands on the printing industry continue to grow. There is currently approximately 200 million hectares of PEFC certified forests and this figure will continue to increase as and when more forests become certified.
Customers of print companies’ demands for chain of custody certification will continue to grow. PEFC is one of two accreditation processes that can meet that demand.
‘Click here’ to view PEFC certificate.