What's New?
Rooted in Action: Premier and Woodland Trust Unite to Host Tree Planting Event at Smithills Estate
Premier Launches Drytac’s Polar Smooth 150 Air in the UK as Exclusive Distributor
At Premier, we take environmental issues seriously; sourcing products from reputable and responsible suppliers from Britain and across the Continent.
All our suppliers have one thing in common; they are first class manufacturers of high quality products with enviable environmental credentials.
As an environmentally conscious company with ISO 14001, FSC® and PEFC certifications; it is important that our customers have peace of mind, in their dealings with us on environmentally friendly issues and products.
This web site has been designed with our customer’s needs in mind. We have made our product classifications easier to understand, to enable our customers to find the right product with the right certification at the click of a button.
We offer one of the most comprehensive range of recycled papers and boards, from 75% to 100% including FSC® recycled 100%. All our FSC® certified papers and boards carry the Mix Credit or a percentage claim; check the Product page on this website for further details. All our PEFC certified papers and boards carry a minimum of 70% PEFC certified pulp.
A Responsible Approach
The Premier Paper Group was the first paper merchant to achieve ISO 14001 certification
in 1997 and now also holds chain of custody certification for FSC and PEFC environmental standards.
Furthermore, a responsible approach to the environmental, social and ethical issues that may result from our commercial operations is considered essential. We are, therefore, committed to integrating environmental management into our entire range of business activities.
Our policy is to:
- Ensure that our operations comply with all relevant legal requirements and other ethical requirements and endeavour to exceed minimum requirements where appropriate.
- Ensure retention of the ISO 14001 standard, by defining environmental improvements and setting targets to be achieved year on year, within our ongoing operational management.
- Endeavour to meet the standards required to achieve and maintain ‘Chain of Custody’ accreditation for FSC and PEFC products.
- Ensure that the products we sell and promote are sourced using defined environmental criteria and encourage all our suppliers to strive for environmental excellence.
- Actively monitor the claims of our suppliers in respect of environmental and ethical issues.
- Work to reduce waste arising from our activities and promote a higher percentage of re-use and recycling in all areas of our business.
- Ensure that this policy and related initiatives are understood, implemented and maintained at all levels in the organisation and that they are supported through suitable education and training.
- Provide clear and factual information on our business activities, our products and the environmental issues facing our industry, so that customers can make informed choices on the products that they buy and use.